The attacks on the Catholic faith over the last half century, have all been largely the same: dismissive, disrespectful, and usually demonic. We should not be surprised when we see this in pagans; that is, after all, where their hearts are at. We should not be completely surprised when we see this in Catholics, though. They should know better. Yet, if these Catholics are more influenced by the world than by the Church, then it does make sense. They are living out what they have been taught, and it fits perfectly with their apostacy.
So whenever you see or hear a Catholic insult the historic and settled dogmas of the faith (regardless whether it is a clergyman, or a layman), you know exactly what he has been influenced by. You can tell what he is reading, what he is watching, and (likely) what his prayers are like. Paganism always shows itself clearly because it is never new, and always finds ways just to repeat itself.
Pray for them; both the pagans who attack us, and the Catholics who attack us. But remember, imprecatory prayers are a valid type of prayer in these situations.