In 1535 Pope Paul III published a new Breviary (a book of daily prayers intended mostly for clergy) which clearly departed from tradition. Most Catholics had a very hard time accepting it. It was criticized by many. Quickly, large portions of the Church (including devout and faithful Bishops) chose just to ignore it (as is their right). Finally in 1568 Pope Pius V withdrew it. It is now gone, and forgotten. Its short life was controversial, but Catholic Tradition won out in the end, and the faith was retained.
It is possible for one Pope to overturn something that a previous Pope implemented. It has happened negatively (we have seen it in our day) and it has happened positively (as with the above illustration). This means that it can happen again. Let us pray that any mistakes, errors or bad choices will some day be overturned and that Catholic Tradition will win out in the end once again. After all, Jesus promises this very thing many times (cf. 1 Corinthians 15:25 and Ephesians 4:11-14).