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Writer's pictureFr. Seraiah

"I am not a robot"

Have you ever wondered why we have to take a test on certain websites to figure out whether we are a robot or not? I'm pretty sure I already know the answer! Yet, if I was a robot and I was trying to hide it, would I fail to check the box that says, "I am not a robot"? I know, I know, silly question. Yet, we are so inundated with "robot" stuff, that we have to ask ourselves about how much we have given in to the technological influence around us.

When I was a kid we used to dream about the day that robots would be all over (just like George Jetson!), and now I sit back and realize that it is not all that it is cracked up to be. The robots may not be walking around saying "danger Will Robinson", but having them as digital algorithms is worse! We may have (so far) avoided a scenario like "Blade Runner" or "Terminator", but the subtle version of robotic takeover is more insidious because we think we are safe, when we are not.

You may know you are not a robot, and you may believe that there are no robots out to get you. Yet, we all need to know that someone is controlling those "robots" referred to in the checkbox verifications. Someone is using this technology to control our minds and hearts. It is there, and just because you cannot see it does not mean it will not impact you. Guard yourself. Protect yourself. Guard and protect your family. Make sure that you have not already given in to them.


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