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Writer's pictureFr. Seraiah

"He sighed deeply in his spirit"

Those words in the title are from today's gospel reading for Mass. They refer to Jesus' response to the Pharisees being argumentative and trying to test Him. Can you imagine that? You are praying to the Lord one day, and in the midst of it you hear Him "sigh deeply". We are supposed to be seeking to please the Lord in all we do, and to hear an audible sigh is the very opposite of that. The Pharisees did not likely care when Jesus "sighed deeply", but we should. You want to pray something scary? Ask God to show you whatever you do that makes Him "sigh deeply". It would be scary because He very well might answer that prayer. That is truly opening oneself up to God and allowing Him to do a spiritual type of surgery on your soul. Do you dare?


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