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Hating Our President

Writer: Fr. SeraiahFr. Seraiah

She is not a Bishop. That much should be perfectly clear to anyone who understands the history of Christianity and the establishment of the Church in the first century. Christians have always (until recently) known that Christ established a male priesthood with the twelve Apostles. That much needs to be made clear before I move forward.

The "she" that I am referring to is some lady (I am using that word loosely) who got hired to lead a branch of the sectarian and schismatic group that calls themselves the "Episcopal Church". Sadly, since they have no apostolic succession and therefore, no holy orders, and therefore do not have an actual ecclesiastical status in the Church Jesus created in the first century, there is not much that is either "episcopal" or "church" about them.

Hence, "she" cannot be a bishop in any way at all. Yet, because someone failed to check her ungodly opinions before they allowed her to lead a prayer service a couple days ago wherein our current President and Vice President (and their wives) were present, she was able to criticize the President with a few vile opinions about being really really nice to lawbreakers (illegal aliens), and immoral people (sodomites and sodomettes).

I hope I have made my position clear. What did she actually say though, you may ask? She used the opportunity given to her wherein she should have encouraged prayer for our nation, to choose instead to tell the President that he needs to "show mercy" to illegal aliens and sexual perverts. Interesting, is it not?

Hold your socks on this one: I agree with her. Yes, that is correct; in a way. We should "show mercy" to these people who are committing these crimes and sinful actions. What, however, would be merciful to them? A criminal should be punished; and that is merciful. A pervert should be told he is on the path to Hell and needs to repent; and that is merciful. Do not let a sentimental idea of mercy cloud your understanding. Her idea of mercy is, "let them get away with it, and have no consequences to their actions"; that is not true mercy, it is hate.

It is cruel, hateful, and selfish to respond to people who have done these things and not give them both discipline and a warning for the evil path that they have chosen. To leave someone in their sin and encourage them to commit more (thus increasing their condemnation) is of the devil. You can call it "mercy" to encourage someone to sin and fail to call them to repentance, but it is nothing of the kind. "Mercy" means to help someone find eternal salvation; and to claim it means anything else is wicked.

So then, the non-bishop, of the non-episcopal, non-church got up in a pulpit and told our President to sin. Why would she do that unless she hates him? It appears that she also hates the people she claims to want to receive "mercy". This can only mean that she also hates God; only someone spiritually dead could harbor that much hate. I pray President Trump does not listen to her, and that she repents of her own sin.


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