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Writer's pictureFr. Seraiah

A Pearl of Wisdom

What did you pick for a Lenten penance? Maybe you are still trying to come up with something? Some people give up coffee, or "scrolling". Those could be very good things. I have come across some very interesting things that people give up over the years, and have also heard many of the standard things that people add to their devotions. Mother Angelica years ago gave an interesting suggestion. In summary she said: do something that you hate and that makes you miserable, and do it for the glory of God. Here are her actual words:

Why don’t you use a toothpaste this Lent that you don’t like? Wouldn’t that be a nice penance? Get up in the morning, your husband says, ‘What is this?’ And it says, ‘My Lenten Toothpaste.’ Now, you say that’s a simple thing. No, it isn’t. I got some terrible toothpaste, oh, a couple of weeks ago, and I wanted to get it out of my mouth so bad…it was for kids besides. Those poor kids, no wonder they don’t want to brush their teeth. It was terrible; and then, suddenly I thought, ‘Well, this is a pretty good penance for early in the morning.’


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