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Democratic Degeneration

Someone once pointed out the clear signs of when a democracy becomes corrupt and is near to collapse. He said that the rulers would be...

If St. Paul Were Alive Today

Taking encouragement from yesterday's post, I want to remind everyone that all the books of the Bible were written in a particular...

Reading Scripture

The Scriptures are not a "secret code" book that have hidden details that we are required to slice up and discover what are the inner...

Contempt for the Magisterium

"[Priests must] expound faithfully the genuine word of God and not their own personal opinions . . . [Today] there is contempt for what...

Acknowledging Christ

I put a brief note about a proposed amendment to our state constitution in the bulletin recently. The proposed amendment (#3) seeks to...

Papal Confusion

A recent convert to the Catholic Church was asked by a friend (who had not converted) how he liked being Catholic, "now that the Pope...


Our new men's group at St. George parish has chosen the name "Dragonslayers". We are trying to chart a new course in the direction of...


We had a fly problem a few months ago at church. They swarmed around a bush by the front door and it took a lot of work to get rid of...

Found Jesus?

A while back, someone asked me "Have you found Jesus?" I said, "Where did you last see Him?" He stared at me with a blank look, clearly...

Judging Your Brother

What does it mean to “judge your brother”? The reference came up again in one of the Mass readings recently. It is sad how few people...


"The most powerful weapon to conquer the devil is humility. For, as he does not know at all how to use it, neither does he know how to...

No One Else

There are many who claim that there are "many different paths to God" and that "all religions are a path to God". Someone may even have...

A Better Parish

I was asked recently by a non-catholic whether all Catholic Churches were the same. In answering, I realized that I did not want to come...


Yesterday's gospel reading includes St. Luke's description of the beatitudes. Jesus probably gave this description of the faithful life...

Please Pray

As you probably know, the Missouri Supreme Court justices decided that a holocaust would be good in this state. Or, you could say that...

People We Can Help

I heard a story recently about a man who had a friend who was blind. He once let his friend drive a car, and just sat in the passenger...

You Cannot Erase God

One of my favorite tv series is "The Twilight Zone". I like sci-fi, but I also really like the way that Rod Serling could make twists in...


"As I pointed out to somebody long ago, it is one thing to believe that a beanstalk scaled the sky, and quite another to believe that...


Speaking to a potential convert to the Church recently, I brought up the subject of the many and various problems with American democracy...

Secularizing the Schools

I do not run in the circles that have anything to do with public school, so this was a new one to me. Apparently, there is an elementary...

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