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Along the Path to Holiness

There are priests who believe things contrary to the Catholic faith. There are priests who encourage behaviors contrary to the Catholic...

A Rupture?

I read an online debate recently. Those involved were trying to decide whether Vatican II was a "rupture" with the Catholic faith, or...

Multiplying Evils

"I am, if the truth be told, in such a tone of mind that I shun every assembly of Bishops, because I have never yet seen that any Synod...

Asking the Right Question

Let us imagine that someone you barely knew, offered you a food you had never had before and just told you that you will like it. Next,...

Ember Friday

Today is Ember Friday. People at St. George keep asking "what are the Ember days?" Here is a quick bullet point tutorial. 1. They happen...

Bad Advice

A couple years ago, I met someone who recognized the massive corruption in Washington DC. I asked him what he thought the solution was to...

Just Wondering...

...Why is seemingly OK for clergy and laity to express disagreement with things like the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the...

Chicken or the Egg?

Which came first? Was it the Mass or the Scriptures? According to the most conservative understanding of the writing of the New...

Assumptions and Presumptions

If someone got sick right after reading a book about theology, would any one of us assume that theology books make people sick? Possible,...


“The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine — but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact...

Hold the Line

Someone asked me recently, "What are we supposed to do about the fact that it looks like most people in the Church today are going...

Rust Build-Up

I am working to restore and old motorcycle right now. Part of the restoration process involves removing rust and there are various...

Leading Us into a Trap?

Having read a story recently about a Priest who was "cancelled" by his Bishop for being faithful, I began to ponder more deeply what the...

Church Music (4)

One final note on this for now. In 1969, a question was sent to Rome asking if the permission to use hymns in Mass (which was granted in...

Church Music (3)

There may be some who wonder if I am the only person thinking about Chant and Hymns the way that I have been describing. That is an...

Church Music (2)

Here is an interesting detail about singing at Mass that is often not thought of. In the vast majority of parishes that use hymns (though...

Food for Thought...

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

Church Music (1)

I have gotten the question more than once: "why are there no hymns during Mass at St. George?" and I always give the same answer: "the...

A Cultural Shift

I was once introduced to someone I had never met before. I quickly noticed a strong resemblance to a man that I did know. The person...

Big Families!

Everywhere you look the statistics are the same. Less and less children are being born, and fertility rates are dropping as well. I am...

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