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St. Luke

Today is the feast of St. Luke, the companion of the Apostle Paul. I always found it interesting that Luke never makes reference to...


When you hear the word "control", what do you think of? Many people run quickly to "gun control". What an emotional term that is. It...

Ripples in the Water

What good is it for the religious to shut themselves up in convents and monasteries having little or no contact with the outside world?...


"As Christians, our task is to make daily progress toward God. Our pilgrimage on earth is a school in which God is the only teacher, and...

New but Not Improved

A number of years ago a parishioner asked me, "Why are some parts of the Mass always the same? Wouldn't it be nice to change things up...


Being a Catholic presumes certain obligations and duties, and I am not speaking about the precepts of the Church. The precepts are...

Fulfilled Desires

Every one of the seven Sacraments is granted to us as a satisfaction and sanctification of an innate desire of every human. We do not all...

Working for Future Generations

The most specific clarity of the authority of the Pope came in the first Vatican Council in 1870. It was there that the infallibility of...

Fighting for Tradition

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought...

True Humility

G.K. Chesterton once responded to the question “What’s wrong with the world?” with the answer of, “I am.”

Every Cloud...

Someone said recently, "What has Pope Francis done that is actually good?" I believe he expected me to say "nothing" (which I would not...

Stay Faithful

There are people out there that say that Pope Francis is a heretic. There are videos out there that declare that he is not the Pope....

You Have to Be There

I know some parishioners have mentioned the idea of streaming our Masses online, and I have said, "no". A few have asked about the idea...

Bible Readings and Reading the Bible

I once taught a youth group class on the Bible to cover for a catechist who was not able to be there. I made reference to a Sunday Mass...


You may have heard this one already: about a century ago, a student in college complained to his dad that the classes were too hard and...

Following Christ

In the gospel of John (chapter 15 verse 20), our Lord gives the Apostles the principles and foundation of the authority that He was later...

Well, At Least He's Honest...

“There are only two possibilities as to how life arose; one is spontaneous generation arising to evolution, the other is a supernatural...

Being a Part

Why should parents teach their children to do chores? Although there are many good reasons, one of the best (that is rarely thought...


A Catholic friend told me recently about visiting a non-Ordinariate parish for Mass. He said that he had to remind himself over and over...

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