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How old are your traditions?

If I ever have tons of time available I might start a separate blog. It will be just a collection of all the comments I have received...

Can I Get an Imprecation?

If you know the Scriptures as well as you should (hint, hint...) then you are aware that there are a number of imprecatory prayers and...

Correcting Correctly

In a kindergarten class, the teacher told the children to color a picture of the view outside their bedroom windows. One little girl...

We're being tested

Maybe you heard about this one. The federal government recently told a Catholic hospital in Oklahoma to blow out the sanctuary candle in...

The Mother

"As the mother knows the needs better than the babe, so the Blessed Mother understands our cries and worries and knows them better than...

Living Simply

The story is told of a wealthy man who was walking along a beach and happened to notice a fisherman sitting lazily beside his docked...

Judging the Nations

In the gospel of Matthew chapter 25 we are given a prophecy from the Lord about when He "sits on His glorious throne" and has "the...

Seeking Righteousness

Yesterday's reading at Mass (1 John 2:29–3:6) spoke of how "everyone who does right is born of" God. This tells us about the fact that...

Being Truly Thankful

Although it is hard to accept challenges in life, I am very thankful for Pope Francis. Yes, let me say that again: I am thankful for Pope...

Systemic Anti-Catholicism

I was thinking about filing a lawsuit against the majority of the humans on the planet Earth for systemic anti-catholicism. What do you...

Holy Mother of God

Social media has become so anti-social that it is stunning. It has largely isolated us from each other, and now we are suicidal because...


"I'm one of many bishops in the world and too many of us are asleep at the switch." Bishop Strickland (formerly of Tyler, Texas)

The "Small Pack"

“Soon we will have priests reduced to the role of social worker and the message of faith reduced to a political vision. Everything will...


I was asked recently for a recommendation of a good counselor in another state. I was not able to give a name because I did not know any...

Holy Innocents

Today is the Feast of the Holy Innocents; those who were killed when King Herod tried to kill the Christ Child. They were not guilty, but...

A Call for Reevaluation

Fr. Gerald Murray had this to say about this most recent "attack" (his word) on the faith from the Vatican: Well, Holy Father, we're all...

Show them the light of truth

Christ came to Earth to give us the light. He wants us to know and believe the truth and to practice all holiness. This is the heart of...

Merry Christmas

May your celebration of the our Lord's Nativity be filled with the joy of the Angels who praise God continually saying "Holy, Holy, Holy,...


"The man who thinks that he knows [something] will rarely find truth; the man who knows he is a miserable, unhappy sinner, is closer to...

Almost Time to Celebrate!

Christmas begins tomorrow evening! We have been waiting for weeks now, and it is finally here. No, it did not begin the day after...

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