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The Chair of St. Peter

What is St. Peter's Chair that we recognize and observe as today's feast? A "chair" in the ancient near east was quite like what a...


Yes, I know this will sound like I am saying something contrary to the faith, but bear with me for a moment. The Catholic faith is not...

The Whole Scriptures

I met someone once who said "I don't read the Old Testament -- it's too confusing". I did not quarrel with him, but tried to tell him...


"Be kind to all and severe to thyself." St. Teresa of Avila

Call the Sabbath a Delight

What is more important: your God or your job? When I ask it like that, most Catholics would give the right answer ("God"). Let me ask it...

A Pearl of Wisdom

What did you pick for a Lenten penance? Maybe you are still trying to come up with something? Some people give up coffee, or "scrolling"....

Sacred and Common

Maybe you heard that recently Canterbury Cathedral in England was opened up for a "party". There were drinks, pop music, dancing, and...

Modern Day Pharisees?

On average, Ash Wednesday (which is not a Holy Day of Obligation) has better attendance than do most Holy Days of Obligation. How can...

I Want a Blessing

What is a blessing? Technically (meaning, in Scripture and theology) it is an expression of good upon a person or thing for the sake of...

"He sighed deeply in his spirit"

Those words in the title are from today's gospel reading for Mass. They refer to Jesus' response to the Pharisees being argumentative and...


"We must fear God out of love, not love Him out of fear." Saint Francis de Sales

Dogma is Settled

The problem today is not that Pope Francis says or does things that appear to be out of accord with the Catholic faith (that has happened...

By the Hand

How do you work with someone who is without the faith that you are trying to convert? Do you approach them harshly and tell them how they...

The End of the World?

There was a movie recently about the "end of the world" (at least that is how it appears in the movie). It was not the typical "end of...

New and Old

Most people are so used to modernism having infected every aspect of our lives that if they truly saw it for what it is, they would be...


A parishioner recently sent me a screenshot of a job application that listed a few options for the applicant to put for gender. One of...

How Do You Judge?

A friend once had a broken tape measure; the problem was he did not know it was broken. You see, he tightened the tab on the end of the...

Preserving the Word of God

The magisterium is not above the word of God, but serves it by teaching nothing but what has been handed down, because it hears the word...

Who's Next?

For a while, a few years ago, I was concerned that when the next conclave came around and God granted us a new Pope that he would be...

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