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Non-Catholic Education

I read recently that Australia passed a law that requires all homeschool curriculums to be in full accord with the state schools. To put...


In the Old Testament there are so many wonderful and beautiful images of the spread of the gospel. They are not referring to the spread...

Progressing Through Lent

The story is told about the mugger who held up a Priest. Once he realized he was a Priest he relented and told the Priest to go on his...


"Faith means battles; if there are no contests, it is because there are none who desire to contend." St. Ambrose

Prayer Needed

I am going to ask for prayer for our Holy Father Pope Francis. His health has been steadily declining for a while, and it appears he is...

Making Better Decisions

A man was once at a laundromat doing his laundry. As he walked down the row of dryers to find an empty one, he noticed that every dryer...

Enjoying Bad Stuff

Are you obsessed with gossip? Most people will say "no" to that question. A few know that they have this obsession, but only a few....

Run Away

This was stated (i.e. not made up) at a parish council meeting (not at St. George): "How about if we purchase a 6 foot tall electric...


I once watched a man stare with awe at an old car. This was not a stare of admiration; it was a stare of adoration. You read that right,...

That's Not Me!

The other day I was standing outside the Church before Mass, and a motorcycle raced past at about 80 to 90 miles per hour (on a 30 mph...

Half a Saint?

"You cannot be half a saint; you must be a whole saint or no saint at all." St. Therese of Lisieux


Did you know that all of Lent is called a "fast"? If you read the collects (opening prayers) for Mass during Lent, you will hear it refer...

Bad Scripture Interpretations (4)

As most of you know, I received my bachelor's degree in (protestant) Biblical Studies, with a minor in Greek (and almost a second minor...

Bad Scripture Interpretations (3)

Have you ever heard of the "rapture"? If you have any Protestant friends (or if you once were Protestant) then you are probably aware of...

Bad Scripture Interpretations (2)

Yesterday's gospel reading had that passage which so many Protestants enjoy using against the Catholic Church. "Call no man your father...

Bad Scripture Interpretations (1)

Let us begin with an example that goes back into Scripture itself. I have mentioned before the errors of the Pharisees when it came to...

Being Bad

There are these videos on youtube done by a man with a great sense of humor (though sometimes he can be a bit crude). It is called "bad...

All Divine Grace and Truth

"In Lumen Gentium, Vatican II did not begin with the Pope because, contrary to what traditional Protestant polemics believed, the...

How Ya Doin'?

I find it a good practice to do a quick "check up" on my Lenten devotions after the first week of Lent. Today is over a week since Ash...


I do not usually post links or videos, but you have to see this. It is not solely for this reason, but at least you can see I am not...

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