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The Triumph

"Moreover, Christians are born for combat, whereof the greater the vehemence, the more assured, God willing, the triumph: [as Jesus...


I recall once pointing out to someone that she tailgated people when she drove. She was shocked and at first denied it. Then after a bit,...

I Wish...

There are days, like today, where I actually wish I was not married. [It's ok, bear with me for a minute.] I wish this because I love my...


I once read an article talking about the public's perspective on the Catholic priesthood. If we remove all the comments by those who...


There is a point that has not been brought up in the discussions about the Harrison Butker speech. Mr. Butker said that he believed that...

Needs and Desires

"Our body has this defect that, the more it is provided care and comforts, the more needs and desires it finds." St. Teresa of Avila Is...

Democracy is Not Always Better

The principle that a majority should rule might be good in some instances (like when the majority is actually faithful, holy, and wise)...

An Invitation

"Do not grieve over the temptations you suffer. When the Lord intends to bestow a particular virtue on us, He often permits us first to...

Understanding the Scriptures

"What does that mean?" he asked me after a certain Scripture reading. With all of my theological knowledge and degrees in the Scriptures,...

Men and Women (4)

What I have been saying about the roles of men and women may seem to run contrary to popular opinion among Catholics today (because it...

Men and Women (3)

As I understand it, cats are carnivores, and humans are omnivores. Cats eat meat almost exclusively; they still need vegetables, but in...

Men and Women (2)

A woman was once offended by someone using the term "girly" as an insult to a man. She said, it sounded "as though being a 'girl' is...

Men and Women

Men and women are not created equal, but they are created equally. No, that is not just a play on words. To be "created equal" means that...

Mind Your Business

There is an interchange between Jesus and St. Peter that occurs in the gospel reading for Mass a couple days ago. It is after the...


"Fortitude is the disposition of soul which enables us to despise all inconveniences and the loss of things not in our power." St. Augustine

That Commencement Speech

Apparently, a man who plays professional sports (who happens to be a devout Catholic) gave a college commencement speech (at a Catholic...

Pain Relief

I cannot recall where I read this, but I gave a quote to my Catechism class (RCIA) last night. The worst invention man ever developed was...

Resisting the New

When I was a young boy, I used to be amazed at how much my grandparents seemed to resist the "newest and grandest" inventions of the...

Is it a baby or not?

In the local news yesterday there was an article about a home in Tennessee that burned down. It described the situation as follows: "A...

Tweeking Things

Prices are high right now. So, people need to earn more in order to pay these higher prices. Then the government decides to raise the...

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