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I recall once, soon after having watched a "cops and robbers" movie (one of the older ones where the good guys actually are good guys and...

More Synodicity

The plans for the upcoming Synod on Synodicalness have been released, and (thank God) they do not seem to include the allowance for the...

Bible Chaos

I used to think that the proliferation of bibles was a good thing, and the fact that the Catholics lamented it was proof of how wrong...

Who is Forgiving Whom?

I read an article recently written by someone who was having fun hating the Catholic Church. She was mainly attacking the Church's...

Praise Choruses

Once there was a man who had been away from the Church for many years. Even though his wife said she was not ready to return, he decided...


The internet service was out at our home a few days ago. It seemed like the tower for the signal was gone (!). It is quite revealing as...


“Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it.” Blaise Pascal


Some have said that there are no holidays for atheists. Although April Fools Day seems fitting--they are technically correct; almost....

Sinners! Oh my!

You know what? This may shock you, but I found this out, and I wanted to make sure everyone knew it: there are sinners in this parish!...

July 4th

If a man's mother is not in the faith, and is on a path towards eternal damnation, then he may still love her, but at the same time mourn...


Maggots. Yes, they have a purpose. Wasps; ouch. Yes, they have a purpose as well. Everything in the world God created has a purpose. Even...

But that's too hard!

A man once called a Priest he knew (who lived in another state) to ask advice. He told the Priest that there was not a single Church in a...

Specific Prayers

How clear are your prayers? Do you pray specifically? Yes, God already knows what you need, but He also wants to hear you pray. The...

This Month...

Oh, by the way, pride is still one of the seven deadly sins!


The devil is coming after you today. Well, maybe not you specifically (few of us are powerful enough for the devil to worry about us --...

I Forgot What You Said

She came up to me after Mass one Sunday and said, "I still think that I would like more advice about that thing." "What thing?" I said....

What Will We Do?

I am so glad that I am not a prophet. Prophets have revelation given to them directly by God. Prophets have ecstatic experiences that are...

Faith Nourished

I am curious why people resist tradition. Sometimes I will ask people directly (when I know they will not take it personally) why it is...

Homily Topics

"I've never heard a homily about..." (you fill in the subject). I have heard this many times, and quite often I can (by the grace of God)...

The End of the World

Reading some ancient visions of mystics and other Saints, it is clear that the vast majority of them were focused on Jesus or His blessed...

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